Shooting & banana-ing…

When they were failing to take a decent family photo in ‘The Garfield Show’
“Maybe mum should be there.”

Garfield pics_21jan13_C3530

Playing ‘Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll’ on the Wii with Daddy…
Daddy: “We’ve got more time.”
Talise: “Yes – to do more shooting and banana-ing.”

super monkey ball shoot banana

– age 4 years 6 months 6 days

Conversational preference…

To Daddy…
“I don’t want you to talk to me. I want Iggle Piggle to talk to me.”


– age 4 years 6 months 4 days

Snow Elf Evolution…

A boy in a book…
“He’s got a cat and a dog – but they can’t kiss, coz they don’t have lips.”

olive the ostrich

Talise: “She can’t have any more adventures.”
Daddy: “Why not?”
Talise: “Coz she’ll have a really sandy head.”

“Look at my vest – it’s white like the snow!”

snow elf evolution_18jan13

“Way! I’m sliding like a ice skater!”

Pointing at the TV screen…
“Get him! He’s the bad guy.”

– age 4 years 6 months 3 days

Go with the flow…

Playing out in the snow before school this morning, she made snowballs, which she wanted to give Mummy and Daddy as presents. Wish I didn’t have to tell our lovely, generous girl you can’t bring snowballs indoors.

“Wee just goes where it wants to go.”

– age 4 years 6 months


“If I wasn’t there, I won’t be there.”

– age 4 years 5 months 4 weeks

Avian reckoning…

“It can’t be dark – it can’t be – coz I heard a bird.”

– age 4 years 5 months 3 weeks 3 days

Mini review…

On the way to the cinema…
“Daddy, just try your best to not cough, okay?”

Commentary on ‘Frankenweenie’

Frankenweenie 1
“They’re gonna kill the dog! He doesn’t want to be dead again.”
– & to summarise…

Frankenweenie 2
“Dead… alive… dead… alive… like that.”

“Hot Wheels are naughty!”

hot wheels double loop

– age 4 years 5 months 3 weeks

Colourful jumper…

“Saturday is blue and he’s a boy, and Sunday is pink and she’s a girl.”

boy girl weekend

“That’s what I want to do, twirl like that!”

jumping stilts

– age 4 years 5 months 3 weeks


Getting up from a bench…
“Any spiders on my bum?”

Talise: “We’re trapped. We really are trapped.”
Daddy: “No we’re not.”
Talise: “Tricked ya!”

“Daddy… if I have socks here – socks with my trainers – that would look good.”

“I know these things, I do.”

“That’s what princesses look when they go to holiday.”

Princess on Holiday_3jan13_C3530

“The scary man is quite funny – he’s like a clown!”

joker 1966

“The Joker doesn’t have a cape, does he?”

– age 4 years 5 months 2 weeks 5 days


After reading Talise her bedtime story, Wonky Bear, Daddy explained how it was good to be different and not all the same. Talise agreed, deducing that if we were all the same, we wouldn’t be able to tell who everyone was – particularly if we all wore the same clothes!

– age 4 years 5 months 2 weeks 3 days

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